At Kibar Group, we see all our friends as a part of our community and gladly witness moments that add value to their lives. We follow and put innovative human resources applications into practice as well as giving place to projects that establish work and personal life balance in our main work flow.
WE Are Work, WE Are Life,
Within our “WE Are Work, WE Are Life” next generation working models program, we realized three different working models, Remote+, Hybrid, and On-Site&Office+.
Remote+ is for our colleagues who find the chance to work while they are out of town or abroad locations during the weekdays. They conduct supplier/customer visits during their On-Site&Office+ work days.
In the working model that is determined for each position, our colleagues spare more time for their social lives and achieve more efficient work outputs.
WE Are Equal,
We support our Diversity and Inclusion efforts that we call “WE Are Equal” with training, awareness practices, and communication activities.
With different guidelines that we publish, we aim to create awareness in our Group and external shareholders.
In light of these efforts, we feel blessed that we have been able to put the following items into action:
- We published WE Are Equal Social Gender Equality Guide.
- We published Equality in Communication Guide.
- We were entitled to Kagider FEM Certification.
- On our WE Have the Power Platform, we opened our Social Gender Equality training that was prepared by AÇEV, and added it as a mandatory training in our orientation process.
- We provide mentorship services to our colleagues who will become new parents and who will go into the compulsory military service, and 12-session psychological support services to our colleagues who have recently become parents or come back from the military service.
- We determined the paternal leave as 14 days.
In addition to all these gender equality practices, we continue our efforts on awareness against violence.
- We published Domestic Violence and Violence at Work Briefing Guide.
- We published Corporate Responsibility Against Violence Policy in which we share our corporate responsibility in any case of violence.
We review all our projects that we either have realized or will realize in accordance with the requirements of our WE Are Equal program in our human resources practices, and we know that we will reach a more efficient and happier life by providing equal opportunity, rights, and resources for all our shareholders.
We take pride in reinforcing all these efforts with our bronze Brandon Hall HCM Excellence Award under “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy ” category and bronze Stevie International Business Award under the “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” that we received in 2022.
WE at the Kibar Group Sports Festivals,
We believe that the most valuable resource is human, and we support our friends to be active in every branch of sports. At our Kibar Group Sports Festivals, which we have been organizing since 2016, we hold individual and group competitions in many fields such as basketball, football, volleyball, running, and table tennis. In addition to those, we also enjoy Kibar E-sports Festivals that we organize in a digital environment.
WE at the Internal Communication Activities,
At Kibar Group, we communicate the developments in our Group via different communication platforms. Our mobile application that we call “Mobiliz”, our internal network “Porttakal”, and our digitally-published magazine “Kibarca” are the most important communication channels we have. In addition, we reinforce the communication and synergy in our Group by bringing our friends together with different social activities that we organize in our Group companies.
We organize activities such as upper management strategy meetings, sharing meetings, new year events, factory visits for families, and family picnics.
It is also just as important for us to create enjoyable places as much as our jobs and responsibilities. We believe in sharing the happiness on special days.
WE at Side Benefits,
With our WEflex Flexible Side Benefits program, we can shop for many products, travels, and activities all through the year with gift cards that we select from brand alternatives in different categories in accordance with our preferences. In addition to these side benefits, the remote working grant is also within the WEflex program in scope of “WE Are Work, WE Are Life”.
As Kibar Group employees and families we can use the Employee Support Program under many titles such as medical consultation, psychological support, legal counselling and financial advisory . We can receive support/counselling services free of charge 24/7 on a phone number specially dedicated to Kibar Group.
We can have a day-off for our birthday whenever we want within the month.
We provide education support to our friends working at Kibar Group with children who go to primary school, high school, or university.
At Kibar Group, we also provide opportunities in many different fields such as education, clothing, accommodation, technology, and sports with corporate agreements.
WE in Healthcare,
We allow our all employees to decide between Private Health Insurance or Subsidiary Health Insurance which also cover their spouses and children.