The award ceremony of the April 23 Painting Contest, which was held for the 5th time by Kibar Holding this year, was organized online. Kibar Holding aimed at raising awareness on gender mainstreaming among children by determining the annual theme as equality and reached to more than 10 thousand children in scope of this contest.
The 5th painting contest was held by Kibar Holding, one of the leading industrial organizations of Turkey, with the theme "WE are Equal". Due to the pandemic, the award ceremony of the painting contest, which had always been organized in the period of 23 April, the National Sovereignty and Children's Day every year, was organized on digital platforms this year. Not only the award ceremony, which was attended by Ali Kibar, the Chairman of Executive Board of Kibar Holding, and Haluk Kayabaşı, the CEO of Kibar Holding, but also the application and exhibition phases of the organization were performed on digital platforms.
Ali Kibar, the Chairman of Executive Board of Kibar Holding, gave a speech on the ceremony. "As we all know, the art is the most pure and effective tool to express the truth and to deal with problems. It is beyond doubt that who achieves the best results by using this tool freely is children. The paintings we received from them once again proved us true clearly. All members of the administrative committee of Kibar Group, and me in particular, are so glad that we have covered a lot of ground with the painting contest that we started to organize in order to draw attention to the issues and to raise awareness on them every year with a specific theme," he stated.
Haluk Kayabaşı, the CEO of Kibar Holding said: "We have only one world. We are obliged to fulfill our responsibilities towards our nature, environment, and each other. As Kibar Group, we have operated in the light of this awareness and consciousness since the day we were founded. We have been enlarging the scope of our contribution to the development of society for half a century continuously with the buildings we open for public service, our projects on environmental protection and our corporate social responsibility activities. Equality, which is a popular discussion topic in all countries, takes an important place on our agenda. The working culture of our group is based on equality of opportunity. In order to spread this corporate culture and to instill the awareness of equality into children, we determined the theme of our painting contest this year as 'WE are Equal'. The paintings from the children have raised our hopes about the future, I would like to thank them one by one."
The winners of Kibar Holding Painting Contest were 12 children who were placed in the categories of the most impressive expression, the most creative design, the brightest idea and the best visualization. All paintings participated in the contest can be viewed on the Digital Exhibition area by visiting the address