Born in 1958, Serdar Koçtürk completed his undergraduate studies in the Mechanical Engineering Department of Leeds University in the UK and his graduate studies in the Marketing Department of Lancaster University in 1981, again in the UK.
After acting as the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Steel Exporters’ Association for 4 years, Serdar Koçtürk now serves as the Vice Chairman of the Executive Board. He is a member of the Executive Board of Istanbul Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals Exporters’ Association and a member of the Turkish Exporters Assembly. He acted as the Chairman of the Board of Presidents for a year at the Istanbul Minerals and Metals Exporters Association. Furthermore, he is a member of the Executive Board of Turktrade Turkish Foreign Trade Association, where he previously served as the Chairman of the Executive Board for 4 years.
From 1981 on, he performed duties as a senior executive in the Foreign Trade field in Turkey. He played an active role in the foundation of the companies Kibar Dış Ticaret in 1985 and Assan Gıda in 1998.
In addition to acting as a member of the Executive Board in some of the Kibar Holding companies, Serdar Koçtürk worked as the CEO of Kibar Dış Ticaret and has been the Group Director of Trade and Food since May 2012.
Since January 10, 2014, he has been working as a member of the Executive Board of Kibar Holding and as the CEO of Kibar Dış Ticaret.