As one of the leading industrial enterprises in Turkey, Kibar Holding released its Sustainability Report, which shows its approach to sustainability as a global issue, its activities in this area, and its vision.
With its 22 companies and more than 7,500 employees, Kibar Holding presents in detail its goal of leaving a more livable world to future generations, its eco-friendly production activities, and the environmental, social, and administrative sustainability efforts of the Group in the Sustainability Report it released. Prepared based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) reporting standards, the report includes the Kibar Holding’s sustainability efforts, as well as the Group’s perspective on sustainability and its contributions to this area.
“Now, climate change is on the agenda not only of scientists, but of the whole world”
Noting that the business world cannot focus only on growth, Haluk Kayabaşı, CEO of Kibar Holding said, “The impacts of climate change on all ecosystems have become visible. Now, climate change is on the agenda not only of scientists, but of the whole world. Especially large groups like us have an important role to play in this issue. We have to contribute to ensuring sustainable economic growth without any damage to the environment or natural resources. As Kibar Group, our economic growth continues with a human-oriented approach that is based on righteousness and honesty, considers the needs of future generations, protects natural resources and the environment, and makes investments and implements social responsibility projects with the aim of providing social benefit.”
“We grow with sustainability principles”
Stating that they adopted the fundamental principles and sustainable development goals of the United Nations Global Compact and made a significant contribution to 12 Sustainable Development Goals, Kayabaşı said, “The sustainable approach of our Group is based on the principles of honesty and reliability established by our Founder and Honorary President Asım Kibar. As a Group, our deep-rooted corporate governance tradition, innovative approach, business ethics, social responsibility culture, and the United Nations Global Compact, which we signed, enable us to make a difference in sustainability.”
Haluk Kayabaşı, CEO of Kibar Group, added that since our foundation, we have accelerated our investments and activities in the field of sustainability in cooperation with different names within the framework of our principles and values. He listed Kibar Group’s principles of sustainability as follows: “We grow with sustainability principles,” “We empower people,” “We innovate for the future,” “We care for future generations,” “We encourage our stakeholders,” and “We share for the communities.”
“We reduce our energy and water density”
Noting that the main issues in the fight against climate change are energy efficiency and water density, Kayabaşı said that the Holding has implemented a large number of projects in these areas. Kayabaşı stated that in 2018, they reduced the energy density of Kibar Group companies by 27% compared to the previous year and by 42% compared to 2016. Reminding that water is a vital resource, he added that in 2018, they reduced the water density by 25% compared to the previous year and by 47% compared to 2016.
For the full Kibar Holding Sustainability Report: click here